Take this quick quiz and test your fitness knowledge.
See next page for the answers!
How many calories are there in 1 pound?
5000 500 3500 2500
Yoga helps to relieve stress and fatigue.
True False
Which one is a benefit of weight training for women?
Increase metabolism Increased muscle tone
Reduction in body fat All of the above
Which one is the healthiest snack choice?
A bran muffin 8 Almonds 1 rice cake 12 baked Potato Chips
What is the best exercise to burn calories (in 30 minutes)?
Running on a treadmill Take a fitness boxing class
Outdoor cycling Rollerblading
How many calories are there in 1 pound? 3500
If you eliminate just 500 calories a day, you will lose a pound this week without even trying!
Yoga helps to relieve stress and fatigue. True
Yoga also helps improve flexibility and concentration.
Which one is a benefit of weight training for women?
Forget about the myths – women need to lift weights for strong bones and improved endurance. Make sure that you include weight training in your workout.
Which one is the healthiest snack choice? 8 Almonds
Almonds are loaded with protein and hear healthy fats!
What is the best exercise to burn calories (in 30 minutes)? All