Monday, August 29, 2011

CanFitPro Workshop Highlights: Betty Crocker for Fitness Pros

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

In the spirit of listening to my body, I am officially working-in this week.  I have been pretty sore and tired the last few weeks and I suspect it is because I have been pushing myself a bit too hard.

Between classes and the CanFitPro Fitness Conference, my body is finally saying, "enough" and I really do try to listen to and respect what the body wants.

Speaking of the fitness conference, last week I promised to impart the lessons that I learned at the sessions I attended.  I am a girl who keeps my promises ;)

Betty Crocker for Fitness Professionals was presented by Dominique Adair, a fantastically knowledgeable Registered Dietitian with a A-list of celeb clients.

The message of the workshop was simple: As fitness pros we pay so much attention to the health and diet of our clients that we often neglect out own nutritional needs.

How many of you can relate to that?

I know I can.  For the most part, I try to plan fairly healthy meals, but there are some days that I get so busy that I just grab and go whatever I can find when hunger strikes.

Dominque suggests 10 simple concepts to help you ensure that you have the right fuel in your body to work and train at your best.

Without further ado, her are her tips! (Although the workshop was aimed at fitness pros, this advice works for everyone.)

  1. Have a plan.  Create a weekly grid to map out your meals for the week.  Pick one day of the week to be your shop/cook day to prepare your meals.
  2. You must have the food.  You need to put the healthy food in your cart so you have it to prepare.  Make a list and stick to it.
  3. Ingredient substitutions.  Try swapping out less nutrient dense ingredients for better ones.  For example, use applesauce with baking instead of oil or fresh herbs instead of added salt.
  4. Find the supermarket healthy zone.  All the good stuff  (like veggies, fruit, meat and dairy) is located in the periphery of the store.  Start your shopping there and fill up your cart.
  5. If it came from a plant, eat it.  If it was made in a plant, don't.  She quotes Michael Pollen from his book Food Rules.  Strive to do this most of the time, but you don't have to be perfect.
  6. Eat breakfast?  This was a very interesting one.  Dominique suggests that if you feel better if you eat first thing in the morning, do it.  It is okay to delay breakfast for a few hours as long as you don't wind up making poor food choices for the rest of the day as a result of not eating.
  7. Do we have to eat between meals?   The body will not go into starvation mode if you do not eat every 3-4 hours.  However, if you feel better and want to eat 6 meals a day, go for it.
  8. A smoothie by another name.  Smoothie are not always the healthier choice.  Make it yourself so you know what is going into it and customize it so it fits into your overall diet.  For example, if you are making a smoothie for breakfast, ensure that it includes protein and good fats to sustain you until your next meal.
  9. Break the food rut.  We all get in the habit of eating the same thing over and over.  Try a new restaurant or recipe every week and/or start a dinner club.
  10. Keep a food journal.  Many of us encourage our clients to do this, yet we don't take the time to do it for ourselves.  It is important for us to walk the walk.

I really enjoyed this workshop and took away a lot of great tips for myself and my clients.

What are your best tips for healthy eating?

Stay Healthy,

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