Friday, July 22, 2011

My 3 Favourite Weight Training Blogs

Many women shy away from weight training.

I have heard all of the reasons.  "I don't want to get bulky."  "Cardio is better to help me lose weight."  "I don't have time." And the list goes on.

The truth is that we ALL need to incorporate strength training into our workouts to increase our metabolism, increase our muscular endurance and decrease our risk of injury.

Here are a few of my favourite bloggers who offer fantastic weight training advice and workout routines for women of all ages and abilities.

Workout Nirvana
In a word, Suzanne is fabulous.  She offers straight up weight training tips and motivation all infused with her drive.  I love her energy, I love her spirit and I love her passion.  She is taking her fitness knowledge to the next level and getting certified as a personal trainer (yay, Suzanne).  You are going to want to follow her on Twitter, too.

Miz Fit Online
Carla is one busy mom. She knows how important it is for women to weight train. Carla has even created some very cool workout cards to make it accessible to everyone.  She is real, she is talented and she is fearless.  Go to her blog right now and find out for yourself.

Melinda's Fitness Blog
I just recently discovered Melinda's blog and so far I am liking what I see.  She is also studying to become a personal trainer and offers great workout options for women.  This is a new favourite that I am going to keep coming back to for motivation.

One final note...

I want to encourage all of you to take part is this auction and bake sale on Monday for my fantastic blogger friend (and weight training pro) Susan.  For all of the details, visit The Great Fundraising Act.  I will be bidding and I hope that you will too!

Who are you favourite weight training bloggers?

Stay Healthy,

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