Monday, May 30, 2011

#Fitblog Planks Challenge, Week 3: Belly Talk

Happy Memorial Day to my American friends!

You may have noticed my lack of postage this weekend.  I have decided to follow in the foot steps of some of my fellow bloggers and try taking the weekends off from blogging.

There are a few reasons for this:  I have noticed that my readership has been very low on the weekends, especially as the weather gets warmer (people would much rather be sipping mojitos than reading my blog ;).

Also, I have found it tricky getting the post in on the weekends with my busy schedule.  I don't want to write random posts just to get something out there.

Quality is much more important than quality.

I am going to try it and see how it goes.  If I am missing the weekend blogging (or you are missing me :)  I am happy to bring it back.

I fared much better last week than the week before.  I got in 3 days of plank work and I am back up to my starting time (minor setback, but I am confident I can make up for my sick week).

I did a mixture of planks, pilates and pushups.  It felt great!

Now, on to some belly talk.

Again, not my abs :)

Last week I talked about how to get awesome abs and today I am going to focus on some good things you can do for your digestion.

Note:  I am not a nutritionist or dietitian, this is just what works for me.  Always talk to your health care pro before making any changes.

These little microorganisms help restore the healthy bacterial balance in your stomach.  They can be taken in capsule form and are also found in yogurt.

Lemon Water
I sip on lemon water all day long and have really noticed a difference in my digestion.  Lemons are very alkalizing in the body and can help flush out toxins in your system.

Flaxseed and aloe vera juice can help promote healthier digestion and more frequent bowel movements. 

Do you take the weekends off from blogging?   What are your tips to promote healthy digestion?

Stay Healthy,

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