Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garage Sailing for Fitness Finds

Out on my run the other day I noticed a sign at a church up the street for a yard sale and decided to stop by to see if I could find any fitness treasures.

The sale was pretty small and I picked up a few Christmas videos for my niece and nephew to watch with us this year.

On my way home, I saw that there was a sale at another church so I stopped in thinking it would be similar to the first one.


It was the mother load of all garage sales.  I wish I would have had my camera with me so you could see the vastness.

There was a BBQ outside with a tent full of furniture for sale. The church was huge and every part of it was full of everything from kitchen ware and children's toys to clothing and electronics.

They even had a silent auction with some really cool prizes such as dinner for 2 and gorgeous framed pictures.

I tried to stay on task and headed straight for the books and scored some pretty great finds.

"Remember Me" is from sale #1

 The video collection I got wasn't to shabby either.

Xmas videos from sale #1

Yes, they are VHS and yes, I still have my VHS player (I have 2 :).

As I was loading up on videos, they announced that all clothing was 50% off.  I just had to take a peak.

It was a madhouse and I got in on the action.  I picked up about 20 pieces and when I went to pay, I found out that every item was only 50 cents!  No wonder people were going crazy.

In total, everything you have just seen, cost me $20.  That's it!

And the best part is that all the proceeds from the second sale to towards sending 2 teams of volunteers to Central America to provide clean water through Water Ambassadors Canada.

All in all, a good day.

Do you ever hit up garage sales?  What has been your best find?
Stay Healthy,

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